This has been a long time coming...but at last, I'm starting to get through some of my proofs.
I just approved the final version of The Sonnets of William Shakespeare, and arranged to have it sent off to the printer. (No telling when it will come back...but we have to cross one bridge at a time).
Still to go: reviewing The Sirens of Space and The Star Dancers---hopefully, in time to head off to a seminar this weekend. But, last weekend taught me not to count my chickens prematurely: I'd hoped to approve proofs of all three books a week ago, only to discover a few mistakes that---anal-retentive artist that I am---I just had to correct.
The book should be available on Amazon soon...and we can start filling orders as soon as copies come back from the presses. We already have several orders to date...and if the early reactions are any indication, it should be well-received.
JEFFREY CAMINSKY, a veteran public prosecutor in Detroit, Michigan, specializes in the appellate practice of criminal law and writes on a wide range of topics. His books include the science fiction adventure novel The Star Dancers, the exciting second volume in the Guardians of Peace-tm series, The Sonnets of William Shakespeare, and the acclaimed The Referee’s Survival Guide, a book on soccer officiating. All are published by New Alexandria Press, and are available on Amazon, as well as directly from the publisher.
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